About school
Primary School name of Tadeush Kościuszko in Zarzyce Wielkie emerged before 100 years, in 1905.
It is a small village school. To our school attend pupils in age from 6-13. The school is located in a beautiful region, near Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Wadowice and Lanckorona. High results of teaching, progress of our pupils in many competitions and family atmosphere in school give cause for pride and recognition in eyes of Parents and Educational Authorities.
Time show , what will grow of us…”
Picnic in our school and Opening of square entertain
In our school there is an artistic circles who prepares very beautifull cribs every year before Christmas. Mrs Janocik together with our pupils work very hard to show this in Cracow during Competition.
We organise many different parties, competitions and trips, we always have a good time...............